Tuesday, March 17, 2009

17th march.the first day of my blog


First of all i will give lil intro.

my name is mitesh mahant doin my engineering in electrical field and this is my final year.

i am gujju from vadodara and i dont make any difference among religions.

i m lil shy kind of guy and have enjoyed my life very much.I also have so many deadly experiences.

i m living in jalgaon,maharashtra since 3 years for studies n before my degree i was doing my diploma in chhotaudaipur,gujarat which is 100 kms. away from my home town.

so i m away from my home since 5 years.

its enough for today u will know me better later.

ok let me talk bout my day today.

after getting ready and paying rent of my flat in the morning i went to have lunch in mess.

then to college in rikshaw as usual.

i'd completed my pending work with bunks in first two lectures.

then after spending some time in hostel i came back to my room.

from last 1 month my stomach is paining constantly.dunno what to do?

now i am surfing on the net n sending texts to my dear.

but i am missing her very much because at this time she's with her fiance.

i dunno how i am tolerating all these things happening to me.

i've just talked to my dear n it was all silent talk from my side.I only care for one thing that she 

must be happy at any cost.

now its 9:45 and my day is almost over or i can say my personal life.lets see what happens next 

cuz i never leave hope.i love her.

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